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Garage floor moisture barrier

jmmartin | Posted in General Questions on

Hello – I plan to turn existing garage into living space. It is a concrete slab. I’d like to build floor up with 2 x 8’s. and eventually install electric radiant floor heat.

Could you help with proper direction as to how to create moisture barrier?

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  1. andy_ | | #1

    It can be as simple as putting down plastic sheeting and then putting your 2x8 sleepers on that. But without a more detailed look at your specific garage it's hard to give a one size fits all answer.

    1. jmmartin | | #5

      These help?

  2. maine_tyler | | #2

    Not really an answer but another direction to look at:

  3. jmmartin | | #3

    Thank you for the advice. Maybe these photos will help?

  4. jmmartin | | #4

    one more

  5. Jon_R | | #6

    Lstiburek is adamant about not putting plastic sheet on concrete (because of mold risk). A fully adhered coating is better.

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