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Modern baseboard heating

cbut8995 | Posted in General Questions on

Anyone know of other companies besides myson and runtal that does modern baseboard heating? I’d like to be under 8 inches including the extra 2-3 inches the baseboard requires to be off ground and the depth not to protrude out too much. It doesn’t seem there is much on the market for the more modern contemporary look instead of the cheaper slant fin versions that are available.

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  1. Expert Member
    Deleted | | #1


  2. Expert Member
    Akos | | #2

    Most panel rad manufacturers make rads that are 12" height or less. These put out a lot more heat per foot than standard basboards and look much better.


    With taller spaces column rads tend too look much nicer and take up less floor space.

  3. cbut8995 | | #3

    Malcolm: Looking for hydronic ones as it would be connected to combi boiler. I typically use slant fin but I dread the look and the building I am doing is more of a higher end. I was looking into runtal but Id like to see other options as pricing wise, they are significantly more expensive. the 2-3 inches is the minimum from the floor if you wall mount the runtal baseboard heaters off the floor to make it look more seamless. The UF-2 model is about 5 inches so in total from the ground I am using only 7-8 inches which is the max for me as the windows start at 8.5 inches from the group.

    Akos: thanks for the brand. I never heard of it but looks interesting and moving towards the concord lo line. Do you think they work similar to runtal and slant fine and just connecting the copper pipes?

    1. Expert Member
      Akos | | #5

      Panel rads have threaded ports not soldered copper pipe like Slant fin. Operation wise they are no different, if you are running from a buffer tank, you might want to add TRVs on them to allow for zoning. If you are near the min fire of the boiler and no buffer tank then you need to have most of the emitters running, avoid TRVs.

      For the last place with hydronic heat, what I did is use cheap hydronic baseboards in the bedrooms and floor heat in the living space. Much cleaner look. You can run the baseboards off the same temperature water as the floor heat, just have to add in a bit extra length.

  4. Expert Member
    NICK KEENAN | | #4

    Base Ray?

  5. gusfhb | | #6

    I hated them so much I made my own[I make big piece of metal into small pieces of metal for a living]

    It wasn't so much the look of them that bugs me, it is the sound.
    Back a chair into one and your million dollar house sounds like a 3 decker in Lynn

    1. cbut8995 | | #8

      Hi Keith, are you talking about runtal radiators? I thought they were more heavy duty than that. I know the slant fin and smaller cheaper companies have the sound problem. But runtal is almost 2-3 times the cheaper brands and I thought they would be stronger.

      1. gusfhb | | #11

        No I'm talking about replacing the slant fin style

  6. joshdurston | | #7

    Jaga makes some higher end stuff. I think they have some that have small quite fans to enhance heating with lower water temperatures.

    I have Purmo panel radiators in my house

    1. cbut8995 | | #10

      How are they Josh in terms of durability and sound? Do they ship to the US?

      I saw some that offer heating and cooling. It should work if I only use them for heating where I connect them to my combi boiler right?

      1. joshdurston | | #12

        I've only seen them in commercial applications (I work for a commercial mech contractor) where they seemed quiet and reliable. But I don't have the long term experience to have a meaningful opinion. My biggest concern would be the price.

        A cooling coil will usually work quite well for heating, since the cooling temp delta is much lower. This means that a cooling coil is thicker, usually has multiple passes (water goes thru the coil multiple times before returning) and lots of fins to transfer energy. It will also have a drain pan. It will give you nice low RWTs to maximize efficiency.

        They have a bunch of US dealers:

  7. Deleted | | #9


  8. gusfhb | | #13

    If you look at my reply to the post 'hiding a ductless minisplit head'

    you can see the ones I made behind the TV

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