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Mitsubishi line-set minimum length FH06na?

willymo | Posted in Mechanicals on

My installer says there is no minimum line-set length, only a maximum. I had thought that the minimum was 15′, and that less would lead to problems.

Any thoughts?


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  1. CramerSilkworth | | #1

    A few years ago in a Mitsubishi training class I was told 16', but that's not in the literature, still...

  2. kelchm | | #2

    I know there is a 10ft minimum length between an outdoor unit and a branch box, but I'm not sure what it is for a 1:1 system.

  3. willymo | | #3

    Mitsubishi tech support says no minimum; other forums suggest that noise (vibration through the lineset) can be a problem with short linesets.

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