Minisplit assessment
For a house which has residents who are retired, what are the maintenance requirements for minisplit heat pumps?
What has their reasonable life span been (i.e., before the expensive but predictable repairs)?
Thanks in advance
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You may want to find out if mini splits are even feasible for your home before worry about maintenance. I really wanted to use one on my project, but the floorplan wouldn't support it. I'm in Zone 3 as well.
I agree Steven ... I already have my bids, etc. Turns out a hi efficiency replacement for the ducted HVAC will be about the same $$ as the minisplit proposals. But then, I ain't getting any younger, and this is the best place I know of to take advantage of experience.
I never felt comfortable with the input offered by the HVAC contractors and ended up working with David Butler at I think you would find it helpful to have a conversation with him. He likes mini splits but won't suggest them if the situation is not appropriate.