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Metal roof with solar

thrifttrust | Posted in General Questions on

I’ve just received my permit to build  a back yard shed that will support a solar array. I intend to use standing seam steel roofing because it should last the life of the solar array and since it is mounts to the roofing seams using S5 clamps, no penetrations are required. However the building department tsar has never encountered this type of installation and is skeptical of a system that does not attach directly to the rafters.

Can anyone point me to data that supports this installation, and can anyone advise me on engineering the roof to support the solar array.

Douglas Higden

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Contact the manufacturer. Lots of information online.

    For S5 load test results, see:
    S-5 load test results

    For downloads of architectural specifications, see this page:
    S-5 download library - Architectural specifications

    To contact the manufacturer:
    S-5! Attachment Solutions
    Metal Roof Innovations, LTD.
    8750 Walker Road
    Colorado Springs, CO 80908
    (888) 825-3432
    (719) 495-0045 (fax)

  2. thrifttrust | | #2

    Thanks Martin. It looks like I've some research to do.

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