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Membership cancellation, refund

TinyProject | Posted in General Questions on

I sent a request via the online portal posted in another thread where there was a dissatisfied customer who was having difficulty cancelling their membership. I sent a request to this portal to cancel my membership and received no response. I have since been charged a monthly membership fee and my account has not been de-activated. I sent an email to [email protected] and this has come back as an invalid entry. My phone plan doesn’t allow me to call the phone number provided. 

Very disappointing after a good experience using the site. 

Can someone please contact me -requesting that my account is de-activated and a refund for the last payment made after I requested a cancellation. 


Tim – [email protected]

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  1. natesc | | #1

    TIm, I'm sure you'll get an official response here - I don't work for Taunton.

    The online unsubscription process is pretty tricky, but I have done it several times before.

    Go to and log in

    Click "Recent Orders"
    it will ask you to log in again, this time you may actually need to use email and zip code (a little concerning security-wise) if you don't know your account number.

    click "Account Summary"
    then you will finally see your active/cancelled/expired subscriptions. you can open a dropdown to click cancel

    I just logged in to my account and it looks like this method should still work.

    Another side note, not necessarily applying to Taunton, is that any time you sign up for an online subscription service, if you set your address to somewhere in California the company has to let you unsubscribe online. I have had to use this trick on websites like Wall Street Journal. I also believe that Mastercard has stopped allowing companies to auto-renew subscriptions without express permission.

    Definitely frustrating, good luck!

    1. TinyProject | | #2


      Thanks very much for the reply and info. When I cancelled a few weeks ago, that's how i did it. It was still 'Active' today. I have cancelled again. It says 'you won't receive future etc,'. Of course, I don't trust this.

      If a moderator/editor can give me some help and a refund please.

      1. GBA Editor
        Brian Pontolilo | | #3

        Hi Tim,

        I have reached out to customer service to see if I can get confirmation on your cancellation. I'll let you know when I hear from them.

        Thanks for your patience.

  2. GBA Editor
    Deleted | | #4


    1. TinyProject | | #5

      Cancellation has gone through, need to follow up for refund. I will confirm here once received.

      Great site, real shame about the admin side.

      Thanks for the help Brian.

  3. user-7330096 | | #6

    I have received a charge for this subscription (under Taunton Publisher) for over a year. I received no notice about the subscription in my email or about the end of the trial period so that I could cancel it. On my end the charge appeared to me as a magazine gift subscription for my dad. I spoke to customer service about this charge because the magazine subscription had ended and the charge became excessive. I contacted customer service, found out it was a GBA digital subscription and they will only refund me one month even though I have NOT used this service since the original trial back in February 2019. This is completely unacceptable customer service: no notice of subscription, trial ending, or receipts/confirmations to email (incl. junk folder) and I consider it a scam.

    1. GBA Editor
      Deleted | | #7


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