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Matt Risinger Podcast Release

rockies63 | Posted in General Questions on

Matt Risinger just posted almost 20 podcast videos in which he interviews guests about high performance homes, HVAC systems and forensic building science.

And yes, I do post a lot of Matt Risinger content but his Build Show Network does produce a ton of videos and not everyone may be aware that they are out there.

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  1. walta100 | | #1

    Could you please limit yourself to one promotional post about Matt per week


  2. Tim_O | | #2

    Are you secretly Matt Risinger himself?

    1. Ian_loosingsleep | | #3

      This is my current favorite GBA conspiracy theory

  3. scottperezfox | | #4

    One of these days, Risinger is going to cross the line and finally call himself a high-performance builder. He's always so fascinated when someone shows off plant-based or recycled materials — you can see his face light up — but he's just so reluctant to shed that "Texas Tough" reputation.

  4. rockies63 | | #5

    Walta100: I'm sorry you think my posts are "promotional". They're not meant to be. I like information, and whether people personally like Matt Risinger or not, his Build Show Network website and Youtube channel have become sort of clearing houses for great information on construction methods, HVAC system design, manufacturers and yes, products.

    Would the information he provides be "better" if it was coming from the Journal of Light Construction website, or the Building Science website? Or maybe if the presenter was Dr. Joe Lstiburek instead of Matt?

    I'm open to any and all sources of information on building design and construction. Matt just seems to have put out a lot lately and even though you yourself may already know all about it, I'm sure others don't and have never heard of Matt Risinger (I hadn't until someone else mentioned him on this very site a few years ago).

    And if you are interested in his recent release of almost 20 podcast videos, I would recommend episodes 14 and 16 where he interviews forensic building scientist Kristoff Irwin from Positive Energy called "Building Science and System Thinking" and "Disaster Resilience with Positive Energy".

    1. freyr_design | | #6

      “Would the information he provides be "better" if it was coming from the Journal of Light Construction website, or the Building Science website? Or maybe if the presenter was Dr. Joe Lstiburek instead of Matt?“

      Yes probably. There is a reason there is a no advertisement policy on the forum. It is hard to get good information when the presenter has a clear financial bias (which, for risinger, is very hard to determine). There is a reason scientific publications (and most media) have disclaimers when there is a possible conflict of interest.

      Also, if people don’t know about build show network, I think Walta suggestion of maybe even once per month would probably make most people aware.

      1. Trevor_Lambert | | #16

        I'd say it's plain as day that Risinger gets paid for featuring products in his youtube videos.

        1. freyr_design | | #17

          For every product he talks about? Does he design his structures around products he gets paid for? Or does he pick products he likes and then tries to get them to sponsor him?

          I dont know, I think a lot of people emulate his building techniques because they think he is a builder, not a product promoter. But if he is getting paid to build an assembly to maximize the use of specific products, that is problematic in trusting anything he does.

    2. walta100 | | #7

      I might not look at it as promotion if you were asking questions about what Matt had said or if you disagree with him.

      If you posted similar link other sites like Energy Vanguard , BSC or other YouTube channels it might not feel like shameless promotion.

      Rockies63 do you benefit financially from your posts about Matt?


      1. rockies63 | | #8

        Walta100: No, I don't benefit financially from my posts about Matt. I don't know him, never met him, never done any business with him. I also don't receive any benefits from any other company I mention - money, discounts, free products, advertising revenue, or any other method of remuneration anyone can possibly think of.

        I also don't work in the design industry, building industry, manufacturing industry, promotions industry sales industry or for any online companies or websites that feature products or services. I just like architecture and learning about new things, as I'm sure you do too.

        For anyone else that is interested, I'm happy to provide the link, no matter where it comes from. Hopefully you will find them informative.

        1. Expert Member
          MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #9


          Now you really have me confused. Aren't you Scott Wilson?

          From one of your past posts: "Well, thank you for your kind words (I've been an architect for 35 years).

          1. rockies63 | | #10

            Yes, that's true. I was an Architect for 35 years. I retired about 12 years ago and closed my practice but I still enjoy studying architecture, researching companies and finding out about new products and building methods. I also like consulting on people's projects and don't mind doing it for free.

            It's astounding, really, the amount of new information there's been in the world of design and construction in the last 20 years. The field of forensic building science didn't even exist, nobody knew about Passive House, and the thought of eliminating a furnace and using a mini-split to heat your house was a distant dream, especially in a cold climate.

            Since I like learning new things, then I hope that others will as well. That's why I'm always posting links to information. If people don't want to know about it, they don't have to click on the link.

          2. Expert Member
            MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #12


            Retirement sounds good right now. I'm framing for a couple of weeks. It's definitely a young man's game.

          3. Expert Member
            DCcontrarian | | #19

            "Beware an old man in a young man's game."

  5. andy_ | | #11

    Risinger is an influencer. That's fine. There's a lot of them out there and some of them are fairly entertaining and some even have good information. What I think raises eyebrows around here is that Risinger does so much promotion and product tie ins that it's hard to know when it's a commercial and when it's just content. Everything is branded. Everything is promoted. Everything has his name on it. He's a brand or wants to become one.
    Promoting a major self promoter is going to raise eyebrows around here.

    1. AD_in_AK | | #13

      well said my man.

  6. AndyCD | | #14

    Kiley made a very clear post in this thread asking the OP to cease and desist. It articulated what looked like a policy. I believe it was #11 yesterday. Then it disappeared! What gives??

    1. rockies63 | | #18

      What does that mean - the OP to cease and desist?

      1. AndyCD | | #20

        I guess I'm hung out to dry here. But the words "cease and desist" represent my paraphrasing of a statement that was in this thread for some amount of time and has now vanished. It was attributed to Kiley Jacques, the moderator, and it struck me as an important clarification of this site's posting policy. Or, if not an actual rule, it was a strongly worded caution on excessive posting of content from--in her words--"the competition."

  7. AC200 | | #15

    These guys have gone from builders and building trades making videos of their work to a media company that focuses on building. It happens when they figure out how much they can make from doing it. Unfortunately objectivity is often sacrificed for sponsorship and commercial interests.

  8. GBA Editor
    Kiley Jacques | | #21

    Hi All,

    AndyCD is right, I did acknowledge this thread's complaints publicly but further in-house discussion made me reconsider. I'm going to address it privately but wanted you to know I am paying attention. We all value the transparency and trust on which GBA is built, and I appreciate those of you who help steward the site.

    1. malady | | #22

      Whatever one thinks about forwarding Risinger’s material, we shouldn’t lose sight of the quality of rockies63’s design review postings. They are some of the best material on the forum and given the depth and breadth of them illustrate a true generosity of spirit.

      1. AndyCD | | #23

        Huh??? So now MY eyebrows are raised. I appreciate Kiley's candor, but this thread has now gone from moderately annoying to truly weird.

      2. Deleted | | #24


      3. david_solar | | #26

        100% agreement here - rockies63 provided me with incredibly valuable advice and insight on the layout of my floorplan, and it's information that valuable not just to me, but to all the other forum members as well.

  9. rockies63 | | #25

    I have received a private email from Kiley Jacques regarding my posts. It informs me that several people have complained about my posting material that can be considered "promotional". That was never my intent. I find information on any new product, service or industry interesting and I'd hoped that by bringing it to the attention of the members of this site that it would generate discussion - not just for that particular product or service but in hopes of having others add their knowledge and experience to the post so that everyone can benefit.
    As I have always said, I have never benefited in any way from any company, either a bricks-and-mortar company or an online company, from any product or service I have mentioned. I just found them interesting and I hoped that you would as well.

    In any case, I will cease posting material in the future.

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