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March for Science

Martin Holladay | Posted in General Questions on

I’m sure that many GBA readers spent yesterday at their local March for Science protest. My wife and I, along with several friends, joined researchers, academics, middle-school science teachers, and lots ordinary people who care about the planet (and who use accepted means of separating truth from falsehood) at one of the hundreds of marches that happened all over the world yesterday.

Lots of good signs. Among my favorites: “I can’t believe I’m marching for facts” and “Knowing Stuff is Good — Seriously, why do I even have to march for this?”

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  1. ohioandy | | #1

    Martin, thanks for doing that, and letting us know. A reminder to all of us GREEN Building Advisees: next weekend is another opportunity to make a similarly obvious but disturbingly political statement. 4/29 PCM--that would be People's Climate March. Be the Phase Changing Material you wish to see in the world.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    Some signs.


  3. Expert Member

    How often did the millionaire save everyone on Gilligan's Island? Never.
    The professor? Pretty much every episode.

  4. AlanB4 | | #4

    Several sites like Slate and CBC had examples of the best signs, some are extremely creative

  5. dankolbert | | #5

    What do we want?
    Science-based policy
    When do we want it?
    After peer review

  6. AlanB4 | | #6

    I've seen smarter cabinets at Ikea!

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