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Magnesium Oxide Structural Insulated Panels

kckornegay | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

Does anyone have experience with MgO wall boards in the US? Specifically concerned about potential issues related to moisture if anyone has an experience or thoughts about the material for use on exterior or interior walls.

I am aware of the previous research from use in Europe and the issues with moisture that caused corrosion in fasteners and steel sheathing. It’s gaining notice in the US and I will be looking at this material for a project and have concerns about its use based on the abundant research from Europe.

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    Why are you considering using it?

    1. kckornegay | | #4

      I'm not, but someone specified this on a project on which I'm involved.

      1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #7


        Yeah that's a worry. Hopefully someone with direct experience with it will chime in.

  2. jerhullP | | #2

    I have used MaxLife Industries ArmorWall Structural Insulated Sheathing that has an MgO board on it's face on Commercial projects but not on a residential project.

    1. kckornegay | | #5

      Thanks for the reply. Have you been in a position to see how it has performed since installation?

  3. GBA Editor
    Kiley Jacques | | #3


    Perhaps you should reach out to the GBA reader who posted the question on >this thread to see what their experience with this product was like.

    1. kckornegay | | #6

      Thanks for the reply. Have you been in a position to see how it has performed since installation?
      Kiley, thanks for the reply, but that link is not working.

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