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Lunos eGO Help Needed

ShamanWolf | Posted in General Questions on

I have a Lunos eGO and I have the right side of the unit working properly, but the left side does not appear to be doing anything.  I have the coding switch at 9 and both toggles in the on position.  I have checked the wiring and it all seems to be correct, but obviously I am missing something.  Can anyone give me an idea of what I might be missing?  Thanks.

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    Sometimes electric motors just stop working for no good reason. I would contact your supplier--probably

    1. ShamanWolf | | #2

      Thank you. It is a new unit, so I was not expecting it to be a motor issue. Any other ideas?

      1. Expert Member
        Michael Maines | | #3

        No; I have not installed one myself and I'm pretty useless when it comes to electrical controls in general.

        1. ShamanWolf | | #4

          Yeah, me too. Thanks anyway.

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