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Low slope roof (2/12) in Colorado w/ridge vent

modernhouse | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

Appreciate comments from all & Martin Holiday,

I’ve got an old remodel with a T&G roof deck.  

Below the T&G will also be SIGA Majrex then drywall.

On top of the T&G will sit 11 7/8 I-Joist that packed with Fiberglass Insulation. On top of this will be SIGA Majcoat (a one way vapor membrane).

Then a 2-inch air gap (2×4 sleepers) followed by decking and TPO roof.

— See Attached Drawings —
At the ridge line will be a vent

I’m concerned about the low slop roof and the possibility of snow build up or wind entraining rain water into the ridge line vent.

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  1. Expert Member


    Infiltration at the ridge may well pose a problem, but the larger one is that low-slope roofs don't have sufficient pitch to move air through their ventilation channels.
    You are much better off designing an unvented assembly.

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