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Lifting and sliding a wall

skidmorebay | Posted in General Questions on

Any wisdom out there on this challenge?

I am about to frame two 18′ long x 10’3″ high walls for our house addition. (2×6, 24″ O.C.,preferably with sheathing and WRB already in place.) I am building around a temporary structure on the back of the house that I need to leave in place for now. (Long story.)

So it’s a matter of lifting the walls and sliding them about 8′ down the deck into their final position. A friend suggested log rolling it on Flinstones-style on short pieces of metal conduit. Anyone ever have to do anything similar?


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  1. Expert Member
    Akos | | #1

    That is not a big wall (~350 lb), a couple of people will be able to lift it and move it even with sheathing on. Going with plywood for sheathing takes a bit of the weight out as well. Doing the taping while the wall is flat is much easier.

    For standing it up, just toe nail the bottom plate in place, lift and brace. Don't forget to place the sill gasket before lifting.

  2. walta100 | | #2

    If at all possible build the wall so all you need to do is stand it up in position. If you must move the wall make sure you have at least 4 strong people around so it will not get away from you.

    It is totally amazing what you can move on a few pipes but I would not but anything top heavy like a vertical wall on rollers.


  3. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #3

    Another vote for building the wall where it can just swing up without moving. Much easier that way.

    I’ve moved things in the thousands of pounds range by rolling on pipes. You want large diameter pipe for easiest rolling. In your case, I’d get a stick or two of 4” PVC conduit or some 3” or 4” PVC drain pipe. Cut pieces long enough to be stable (probably around 2 feet if you’re moving the wall on edge), and roll away. It’s stronger than you’d think even though it’s “plastic pipe”.

    I moved the approx 1,200 pound generator at my house on 4” PVC conduit pieces about 5 feet long, then later used couplers to join the pieces back together to use as an overflow drain for one of my ponds. I did it this way on purpose to avoid wasting any material. I rolled that generator on grass and dirt and it wasn’t too bad with two guys and the pipe.


  4. skidmorebay | | #4

    Thanks folks. I would love to stand it in place if that were possible, but it's not unfortunately. If it's really less than 500 lbs I think we should be able to manage it.

  5. walta100 | | #5

    Make an exit plan out loud so everyone understands the plan. If the wall is getting out of control where do you want it to fall to and does everyone know their escape routes.

    500 lb is too much for any one person even 2 people is a stretch unless you do this work often.
    If the job is stand up the wall and move it 8 feet into position getting the pipes in and out will not be worth the effort.

    Of course you will have some stops nailed to the rim joist so the wall cannot slide off the edge.


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