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Legalett slab for Sequim, Washington

user-5234593 | Posted in Plans Review on

I am building a home in Sequim, WA. My architect is finishing up the design and construction will begin next year. I plan to use a Legalett raft slab with the air radiant floor heating system. Sequim has a marine climate and gets an average of 16″ inches of rain per year.

I am looking for feedback from anyone who has built with a Legalett slab. What was your experience with the vendor and how the slab has performed?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    As you probably know, at least two GBA articles mention Legalett forms for raft slabs:

    Foam Under Footings

    Prefabricated Foam Forms for Slab Foundations

    I've spoken to several builders who have built on raft slab foundations, and all reports have been positive.

    However, when it comes to Legalett's forced-air heating systems that incorporate ducts embedded in the concrete slab, I'm a skeptic. The history of sub-slab ductwork includes many problematic installations. I'm sure that this type of heating system can work, but to me, the potential disadvantages outweigh any advantages.

  2. user-2310254 | | #2


    If you build a well-insulated and tight house, you will only need a modest HVAC setup for heating and cooling.

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