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LED UC and accent lights

LMYUYMkwcy | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Hey there, We are finishing up our new home construction and are looking at different LED kitchen light options. We have installed 3000K LED Juno canned lights in the ceiling and are now looking at LED under cabinet lights and LED lights to be used in accent lighting similar to puck lights. We are looking at Kichler’s LED UC lights (not the most attractive but a bit more economical) and their LED pucks for our accent lighting. We are also looking at Seagull’s new product that comes on a wire and track where the LEDs are adjustable and you can add or subtract lights at any time. It is my understanding that if one goes out it will not affect any of the others (unlike the tape lighting). The Seagull concept has been around for 15 or so years, but just recently have they added the LED bulbs onto the product. Does anyone have any suggestions for these or feedback on performance, quality and durability?


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  1. Kopper37 | | #1


    During my time at a custom woodworking shop, we used low voltage halogen puck lights from Hafele (generally 10W each). These allowed a lot of flexibility with placement, also looked good.

    When we migrated to LED lighting, we used the Philipps Profile Powercore strip lights. These lights come in three different sizes, can be ganged or connected together with cables, and have a low profile (can be hidden behind the face frame). Our experience was very positive. We typically used the 2700K version; light quality was good, though not as warm as the halogen lights.

    All of the LED options cost substantially more, and their luminous efficiency is not stellar (the Profile Powercore strips are about 2X better than halogen). Of course, clients didn't choose them for their cost effectiveness . . .

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