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Layering 1/2″ EPS Foam Under Concrete Slab

dan2020 | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

Hi All I’m new here and working on a single story 500SF ADU in the side yard in Mississippi (Zone 3A). I have never done insulation under a concrete slab and a foam manufacturer in the area has a bounty of 1/2″ Type VIII (1lb/ft) EPS sheets available at discount. 

My question is basically can I stagger and stack 4 layers of 1/2″ foam to achieve the 2″ thickness I would like. From what I’ve read minor gaps/imperfections in the foam under a slab shouldn’t negatively effect things, so I am inclined to use the 1/2″ discounted foam.

Any input welcome. I will be using 4″ compacted gravel below foam and a vapor barrier above foam and below concrete.

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  1. Expert Member


    No reason not to I can think of.

    1. dan2020 | | #2

      Thanks for the input Malcolm. Much appreciated.

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