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latest approach to add a membrane behind traditional lap siding in zone 4

homeowner007 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Hi. We’re planning the final phase of a renovation including insulating the exterior walls on a 1926 two story bungalow. Question is if/how to upgrade the house wrap. Current assembly is vinyl siding and trim coiled windows backed by 1″ of rigid foam on top of original cedar lap on first floor and shingles on the second. Both backed by tar paper and T&G sheathing over a ballon frame. Current plan is to remove vinyl and 1″ rigid foam and bondo and/or patch in new lapp as needed and tear off the second floor shingles and reside that portion. We’ll scarf on the window sill ears that were cleaved off during the siding installation. Given all this what are your thoughts on this assembly or any current best practices to add insulation while trying to save/restore the exterior? thanks for your thoughts.

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    Self-adhered WRBs (house-wraps) work well in that situation. They make air-sealing much easier and more effective.

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