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Knauff JetSpray Insulation

NormanWB | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Does anyone have experience with Knauff JetSpray mineral wool insulation. The demos look very impressive, as does the R-value, but I can’t find any mention of cost or of anyone’s experience using it.

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  1. NormanWB | | #2

    Thanks. I have perused the information on their website, which piqued my interest. Does anyone know the typical cost per square foot or have experience using it?

  2. willgoodwin | | #3

    It would be good to get an opinion from a drywaller.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #4

    You should try to find a local insulation contractor who is willing to give you a price for installing this type of insulation. My guess is that this insulation is only available in a few geographic areas.

    If you can't get it locally, the price is irrelevant.

    If you can find a local contractor, you'll be able to get a price estimate from the contractor.

  4. RobInNorCal | | #5

    I have the same question, Norman. Product attributes sound terrific (R23 in a 5.5" cavity) but they really don't give us enough information to justify a field trip: no information about vapor permeability (it looks pretty porous in the video) or foam content, if any (and if there's no foam, what's the binder?), or flame resistance, or ... anything except R value. Nothing about cost, either (other than 'affordable', which we all know is a codeword for 'expensive'.) We need more info, and we need someone who has at least seen the product first hand!

  5. user-2310254 | | #6

    The builder's brochure identifies the product as "glass fibers." It used a water activated adhesive to bind the fibers during spraying. All the product documents are located at

  6. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett | | #7

    This product VERY comparable to 1.8lb density JM Spider Plus. Like Spider, Knauff's product is fiberglass (not rock wool) with similar methods & adhesives, R23 @ 5.5", etc See:

  7. RobInNorCal | | #8

    So, after 2+ hours of webwalking topic=JM Spider, I have a lot more reading to do. I've never used densepack glass, with or without adhesive binder; it sounds like a pretty good option to research further. Thanks all for the pointers.

  8. NormanWB | | #9

    I am pretty sure the Knauff JetSpray is rock wool. They have another product, JetStream , which uses a BIBs installation.

  9. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #10

    Among the sources of information on Spider insulation is a website called GBA: Getting to Know Spider Insulation.

  10. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #11

    At least one Knauf JetSpray document includes this sentence: "Knauf Insulation’s glass fibers are innately mold-resistant."

  11. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett | | #12

    The glass reference is the builder's Jet Spray Tri-fold brochure, on page 3 (PDF pagination).

    "• Knauf Insulation’s glass fibers are innately
    mold-resistant and do not support microbial
    growth, reducing builder liability. "

    All of the promotional pictures of the product are way too white to be mineral wool, not that advertising photos always depict reality...

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