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Is this product still made?

e6bSSvoZXE | Posted in Mechanicals on

A while back, I saw an ad for a device that helped keep insects and gases from entering a building through a poured concrete slab. The device was a rubber isolator that slid over all plumbing runs that ran through the pour. It looked like a cross with a large vertical piece that was hollow, to allow it to be slipped over a pipe and the horizontal piece was a wide flange with a fatter edge so that It would embedded itself in the slab. Once the concrete cured, the resulting tight seal around the plumbing pipe and with the flange now embedded in the concrete would remove any easy entry point for “unwanteds”.

I’ve looked and searched for this product, but I can’t find out any information about a product like this.

EDIT: I’ve moved a comment I made below to here. Also, here are two sketches of how I remember the device’s appearance.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I'm not sure -- but have you asked at a plumbing supply house?

    Here's a document that shows how you can seal a plumbing penetration through a slab with poly and tape:

  2. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #2

    Steve, are you looking for something like this:

  3. e6bSSvoZXE | | #3


  4. 5C8rvfuWev | | #4

    "Termimesh" has a similar product though it's a stainless screen that slips over the pipe.


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