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Is there a LEED certification program for building professionals?

Plumb Sq | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

I am interested in finding a educational program that may provide
accreditation in LEED construction For building professionals.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I think you need to check out the Green Building Certification Institute Web site:

    The Web site notes, "LEED Accredited Professionals (LEED APs) are building industry professionals who have demonstrated a thorough understanding of green building and the LEED Green Building Rating System. The LEED AP credential indicates that the professional has the knowledge and skills to facilitate the LEED certification process. LEED Professional Accreditation is a voluntary designation achieved by over 80,000 individuals who have passed the LEED Professional Accreditation exam. The Green Building Certification Institute recommends that LEED AP candidates have building industry knowledge, as well as experience working with green building professionals from multiple disciplines."

    You might also want to check out Rob Moody's blogs on the topic:

  2. Michael Chandler | | #2

    The NAHB University of Housing offers a Certified Green Professional designation which won't give you any leverage re: LEED-h but is a good quick overview of the range and intent of green building best practices for residential construction.

    Green Building Advisers Carl Seville and I are both teachers of this curriculum. It's a two-day overview of green building and a one-day business management class, a good tune-up for any builders transitioning from Energy Star to Green Certification.

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