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Is there a heavy duty structural sill seal tape kind?

Bto | Posted in Expert Exchange Q&A on

We are building a tiny home and we want to use a thermal breaker between the metal frame and the wood frame to be built, we are thinking of using sill seal tape but it is too thin and almost inexistent, we would like to know if anybody here knows of a better product or a better idea for that purpose, it has to have a good compression strength i believe, since the whole weight of the tiny home will sit on it. 

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  1. jollygreenshortguy | | #1

    You might consider a rubber gasket. These are very durable. They will compress under the weight of the wall, which helps to increase the seal.

    How will you be attaching the sill to the metal below?

  2. matthew25 | | #2

    Here are a few more options I’m considering for myself:
    1. BG65 gasket from HPBS 475
    2. Protecto Wrap Premium Energy Sill Sealer
    3. Sound Away Neoprene Isolation Gasket

  3. Malcolm_Taylor | | #3


    Sill gaskets or sealers are used to stop either moisture moving up through permeable materials, or air-flow. Unfortunately none of the tapes or gaskets will do much to stop thermal bridging. Only insulation will do that, not anything thin.

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