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Is prosoco r-guard air dam good for existing sheathing seams?

mikeolder | Posted in General Questions on

Morning folks.. 
Im removing vinyl siding and was almost carried away by flies, but wondering what fluid applied sealer is going to bridge gaps on plywood seams the best?

  The prosoco r-guard air dam looks good and price isn’t to bad.

On the other hand I can buy OSI QUAD flash yellow liquid flashing locally and they make great caulk..



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  1. monkeyman9 | | #1

    I'd suggest just using zip tape or 3M tape. It's quicker, easier and probably cheaper. Those are the only two that I use.

    1. mikeolder | | #3

      Thanks. I initially thought the same thing and mentioned it at the DIY forum and was told I should look for a "flashing tape test" here, but that just led me down another hole..

  2. thrifttrust | | #2

    Both the Prosoco and Quad Yellow are Silyl-terminated polyether products, and as such essentially interchangeable. Prosoco R-Guard comes in three flavors. The rust colored R-Guard is the general purpose product and probably equivalent to the Quad. The pink colored Joint and Seam filler has fillers to help it bridge gaps. Because of the filler it is cheaper. Air Dam is an especially soft and stretchy product designed to air seal windows from the inside.

    I consider Silyl-terminated polyether caulks magic. They are very tough, can be applied to damp surfaces, stick to just about anything and are permeable.

    1. mikeolder | | #4

      I ended up ordering prosoco r-guard air dam and a newborn 624 sausage gun, but I didn't understand the air dam was specifically for windows.. I'll order some pink joint and seam filler instead, or maybe I'll just hit the easy button and buy the yellow OSI quad locally because I love their window caulks..

      1. thearrow | | #9

        I've worked with the pink prosoco joint and seam filler a bunch and I love it. Nice to work with, good adhesion, cures slightly flexible to allow a bit of movement. Low VOC, IAQ certifications. Minimal waste because of the sausages.

        Smallplanetsupply currently has a bunch of it at a deep discount because their batch is about to expire (according to prosoco it's still fine but may take longer to cure). Or if you want fresh, you can order straight from prosoco like I just did recently - free shipping and recently manufactured.

        Never worked with the yellow OSI unfortunately so I can't compare. Good luck!

        1. mikeolder | | #10

          Thanks. Cant wait to get my hands on the stuff.. I better only order what I can use, not sure on opened shelf life, but progress is slow with a one man crew who likes to take long breaks to fry steaks

  3. freyr_design | | #5

    I would use tape but if you are set on caulk Henry liquid flash often is cheaper than prosoco and is essentially the same.

    1. mikeolder | | #6

      I think I am set on using liquid, and then use the entire system because it is very windy in this location.. Would it be ok to use Prosoco MVP over painted sheathing?

      1. freyr_design | | #7

        You should call or email prosoco if you have any questions about their products. These manufacturers love telling you how to properly use their products and systems and I would trust them over anything on a forum. Tech support lines are severely underused in the building industry.

      2. Expert Member
        MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #8


        " Would it be ok to use Prosoco MVP over painted sheathing?"

        That's the first mention in this thread of the sheathing being painted.

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