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Is it possible to retrofit a unconditioned attic to a conditioned attic?

hvacMENSCH | Posted in General Questions on

Help Requested: Is it possible to retrofit an unconditioned attic to a conditioned attic?

If yes, what are the steps?

Project Details-
Climate Zone: 2
Home Built: 2017
Type: Production
Roof: Hip and Valley, 24” OC
Roof Radiant Barrier: Tech Shield
Attic Insulation: Loose Fill
Notes: Ridge Vent, AHU in attic

Thank you!

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  1. Expert Member


    - Choose a cathedral roof assembly. Here are five suggestions:
    - Seal the eaves and ridge vents as necessary
    - Remove the loose fill insulation on the attic floor
    - Provide heat and de-humidification.

  2. hvacMENSCH | | #2

    Thank you, Malcolm.

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