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Is it OK to mulch Zip Wall and Zip Roofing Material?

user-879876 | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

I am building a LEED Platinum home and plan to convert all my scrap lumber to mulch. I used the Huber Zip Wall and Roof Panel system and have scrap material with the green and red coatings of these products. I know from the LEED for Home Reference Manual that it is OK to mulch OSB and plywood. Does anyone know if the “kraft paper” coating on the Zip panels is OK as well? I called the technical department at Huber and they don’t know either. They sent me the MSDS sheets, but they don’t know if it is considered acceptable to use as mulch.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I wouldn't use that mulch in my vegetable garden.

  2. user-879876 | | #2

    I agree, but what about for landscape mulch or just mulch for a walking path? Is it bad for the environment or does it have no effect? The alternative is throwing it in the dump.

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