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Intus Windows Eforte quote

KonaBear1 | Posted in General Questions on

I got a quote for windows from Intus and thought it the quote was high. But I do like the windows themselves.

A 24 x 48 fixed window was $385 with a simple grid pattern white – thats 48.13 sft
A 36 x 48 operable window was $745 white – thats $62.60 sqft faces west
and a 42 x 72 operable window white $1000.00 thats $47.62 faces west

I read somewhere on GBA blog that a typical Intus window was $30-35 sft fixed and $40-$45 operable, I have 34 windows and only 7 are operable and totals $28,000, is this reasonable or not???

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  1. jackofalltrades777 | | #1

    Did you contact Intus directly or are you going through an Intus rep?
    Are the windows tempered?
    A greater amount of smaller windows is more expensive than fewer but larger windows. The upfront cost involves a lot on the window framing vs the glazing.
    34 windows for $28k including delivery doesn't seem out of line for triple pane.
    Like you mentioned, you like the quality of the windows and quality brings with it a higher premium.

  2. SouthGeorgianBay | | #2

    Are there window screens included in your quote?

    It looks like the pricing formula is based on the length of the frame.

    The 42x72 operable has 19 feet of frame... about $53 per foot.
    The 36x48 operable has 14 feet of frame... about $53 per foot.

    One takeaway from this is that square windows will cost less than elongated windows.

  3. STEPHEN SHEEHY | | #3

    I recently ordered Intus Eforte UPVC windows from Maine Green Building Supply. For 22 windows, most of which are openable, totaling about 420 square feet, I'm paying about $17,000, including sales tax, but not including shipping. That price includes screens. No grid. Comes to about $40 per square foot.

  4. SouthGeorgianBay | | #4

    Stephen, what were your impressions of the window samples you saw (assuming you didn't place an order sight unseen)? Are the screens well designed?

  5. Jason Peacock | | #5

    This is Jason from Maine Green Building Supply. We are the largest distributor of Intus Windows in the country. It looks like the grill option is driving up your price.

    24"x48" Fixed with no grills $269 = $33.63 sqft
    36"x48" Tilt/Turn with no grills $532 = $44.33 sqft
    42"x72" Tilt/Turn with no grills $777 = $37 sqft

    Smaller windows cost more per square foot than larger windows. Fixed windows cost about 30% less than operable windows. Large fixed windows are the most cost effective. If you can live without the grills, then you'll save a lot of money. Please contact us for the best Intus knowledge and support available.

  6. STEPHEN SHEEHY | | #6

    I looked at the Intus windows samples. The windows are really well made. The hardware is very nicely designed and seems really sturdy. The screens are orders of magnitude better than the screens on my Marvin windows in my existing house.

    I bought Intus entry doors as well. They were about $2500 each, but again, far better than my existing Marvin doors.

    I see Jason has weighed in. Give him a call. I'm not surprised the grills increase the price.

  7. user-1053570 | | #7

    You mentioned simple grid pattern which can add to the cost as well as the finishes. You didn't mention which model, UPVC, Wood or Aluminum which also will vary in price. The prices listed do seem high but really not enough information to make a judgement either way. Bottom line, great windows and in most cases, very reasonable and hard to find any better performance elsewhere. Just keep in mind the lead times so get them ordered early.

  8. KonaBear1 | | #8

    Thanks for all the answers!

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