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Interpreting rigid foam performance board testing

FrankFulton | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

I am considering using an expanded polystyrene foam board insulation to “cut and cobble,” for a project described here:

The product is manufactured by BASF and subsequently private labeled. I’ve posted more detail re: the use case in the above-linked thread.

Can you help me interpret the attached report from the ICC Evaluation Service? Looks to me like this is an R4-R4.5/inch product. But because I’ve never examined a report of rigid foam or any other insulation product, I’d appreciate any insight into key characteristics and whether the product seems legitimate.

Thank you.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    The relevant R-values are shown in the table below. For comparison purposes, pay attention to the column that refers to thermal resistance at 75 degrees F mean temperature -- that is the legally permissable way to report R-value. The R-value at 40 degrees F mean temperature is interesting but can't be meaningfully compared to other R-values as shown on insulation labels.

    The reported R-values range from R-4.3 per inch to R-4.6 per inch depending on insulation type (density).

    The R-values the BASF claims for its Neopor insulation are legitimate; they are higher than rival brands because of the graphite. The ESR report is a credible report by a third-party laboratory.


  2. FrankFulton | | #2

    Thank you, thats great news.

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