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Insulation in renovated home

fdny13medic | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

Working at the World Trade Center site for several months I was exposed to many toxins. Now that I am renovating my new home I would like it to be as healthy as possible. Thankfully I have yet to be ill and would like to stay that way. What are my best options for safely insulating my home? I thank all in advance for any help.


  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    There isn't any evidence that properly installed insulation materials pose any health hazard.

    If you feel that you may be chemically sensitive, you may want to purchase samples of insulation and place small amounts of the insulation in glass jars. Place the glass jars in the sun for a few hours, and then open their lids and give the contents a sniff. If any of these materials give off smells that irritate you, you may want to avoid them.

    When spray foam insulation is improperly installed -- a rare but possible occurrence -- some homeowners have complained of problems with lingering odors, and some have had health complaints. These cases are quite rare, but are devastating for the homeowners when they occur.

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