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Insulation for a garage roof

user-7159077 | Posted in General Questions on
Hello. I need to insulate the roof from my garage and my question is:
If I have a space of 10 in. to be insulated, the blanket should be 10 in. thick or should it be smaller?
Thank you very much
Jorge Solari

GBA Prime

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  1. andy_ | | #1

    Is that a roof or a floor above?
    If it is a roof, is there any way to vent it?

  2. Peter Yost | | #2

    HI Jorge -

    Is there is a living space above the garage (often called a "bonus" room)? Is that why you are trying to insulate?

    If so, air sealing this framing assembly is as important as insulating it.


  3. Expert Member
    Peter Engle | | #3


    It would also help us to know where you are located.

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