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Insulation for scissor truss

Edithanne | Posted in General Questions on

I just read a Fine Homebuilding article that suggests it is a bad idea to use cellulose or batt insulation for scissor truss with a bottom chord any steeper than 6/12, as the insulation will slide to the low end of the truss.  What are people’s thoughts on a 5/12 lower chord?

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    You may find this article interesting:

    A few thoughts:

    - The article references 4/12 as the maximum slope you should loose fill on.
    - The advice against using batts isn't due to the slope, it is because it is hard to effectively fill the space and not leave voids due to all the structural members.
    - Another poster here (Akos) suggested one solution might be to over-fill near the ridge so that there was excess if the cellulose settled on the slope. If you did that you should probably run your baffles higher up the trusses in case they get buried over time.

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