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Insulation between wall oven and refrigerator

squarethree | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

During the remodel design of a residential kitchen, the client has brought up the point that placing the oven next to the refrigerator may be an inefficient adjacency for the appliances. Given the layout of the space, locating the refrigerator next to the oven is the best placement.

Does anyone have any experience or details to share about installing rigid insulation within the cabinetry between the two appliances to create a more efficient adjacency?

We are thinking that 2″ of rigid would be a good solution, but have yet to find any practical discussion of the topic.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I can't think of any reason why you can't include 2-in. rigid insulation in your cabinet. I imagine you would want to cover the insulation with thin hardwood plywood. Just be sure that you maintain all the required clearances specified by the oven manufacturer.

  2. Peter Powell | | #2

    The refrigerator runs basically 24/7 but the oven may be used only a few hours a week, so this proximity is not a major concern, if there is at least a minimal separation by cabinetwork or even insulation as Martin suggests.Also, it sounds like you're installing a wall oven which normally has heat vents on the top front, well away from the refrigerator coils, usually on the bottom rear of the appliance.

  3. bigrig | | #3

    Would it be possible to place a 9" or 12" base cabinet section between them? It will also give space to store baking sheets/etc. in addition to providing separation.

  4. BobHr | | #4

    This is one place were I think a radiant barrier would be worthwhile.

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