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Insulation and furring strips

OffGridGirl | Posted in General Questions on

I would like to know if I can use insulating board such as Tyvek between furring strips before adding my siding.

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  1. Deleted | | #1


  2. begreener | | #2

    Tyvek isn't an "insulation board" - it is sold as a "water resistive , vapor permeable, air barrier"

  3. FrankD | | #3

    It depends on what kind of siding you are using. Vertical furring strips are typically used to create a drainage gap and capillary break behind the siding. With most types of siding, you should leave those spaces open.

    However, if you are using vinyl lap siding, then filling in the spaces is a good idea because vinyl siding needs continuous support behind it to avoid a wavy appearance. The profile of vinyl lap siding provides a built-in air space, so it doesn't need the space created by the furring strips.

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