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user-1015969 | Posted in General Questions on

I live in the 4A area (Richmond Va) and I’m remodeling a kitchen. The wall system is 3/4″ furring strips nailed onto double layer brick.

What’s the best way to insulate this brick wall? And what’s the best way to fasten the cabinets? I can’t build the wall out — I have a door in the adjacent wall 26″ away.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Well, if you can't make the wall thicker, you really don't have any opportunity to insulate the wall. In theory, you could cut narrow strips of 3/4" rigid foam to insert between the furring strips, but the work would be so much hassle for so little reward that it's hardly worth the trouble.

    To fasten cabinets in the wall, it's possible to use screws designed to be inserted into holes drilled into the bricks. You'll need a masonry bit to drill the holes. Any Home Depot or Lowe's should have the bits and screws you need.

  2. user-659915 | | #2

    If layout permits there is a way you could make room for a couple of inches of of rigid foam over the wall by inserting a shallower cabinet beside the door (tall pantry? - could be just 21" deep by 15" wide?) then going back to standard cabinet depth beyond. But it may not be worth it unless you are experiencing condensation and mold growth on the wall.

  3. user-1015969 | | #3

    Thank you both for your answers.

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