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WiseB | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Older Florida home with no attic insulation. Home has 2 Dutch gable vents. 
See picture below. Looking for some recommendations. Due to vents I’m concerned that during a storm some water might be blown into the attic wetting the insulation. What is best type of insulation for this home?
Thanks for any suggestions. 

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  1. jollygreenshortguy | | #1

    Hopefully others with more experience than me will chime in as well.
    In general, a home with an attic like that would be easiest and cheapest to insulate by blowing cellulose insulation into it, with the cellulose resting on the ceiling. You would need eaves and ridge to be vented. The gable vents aren't all that helpful and you could simply block or remove them.
    Here are 2 links that should be useful.

    If you have plans or need to redo your roofing shingles in the next few years you may save yourself some trouble and expense by doing both at the same time. But if your shingles are in good shape then you should still be able to do the insulation. You will, however, need the roof ridge to be vented.

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