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Insulating the basement – rigid foam or wool

jroz | Posted in General Questions on

I’m getting so many conflicting views and suggestions with how to insulate my basement. I don’t have water issues, but I do get some moisture down there (who doesn’t). When i moved in I installed a Sante Fe dehumidifer that keeps the whole space under 40% humidity.

I have one exterior wall and section of my basement that will stay unfinished (mechanical area) and then one adjacent wall that will be left unfinished the full length so workers can get to my electrical panel, plumbing pipes and main line etc (about 3 feet wide from the interior framed wall. These 2 exterior walls i’m recommended to have R15 Roxul comfortabatts pinned directly to the concrete and left as is without any type of barriers or anything. For the interior wall that will be up against the conditioned space i’m told to use Roxul safe and sound. Is this suitable for the unfinished space that won’t have any drywall? This area will not be cooled or heated, but is where my dehumidifier is located (it will also be duct into the the finished area). Is this acceptable or should I use Rigid Foam board just left as is in the unfinished sections?

The other 2 exterior walls will be up against the interior conditioned space is. This is where I get into so many conflicting views..

One guy suggests that I use the same 3″ roxul (R15) AFB and pin it against the concrete (not the roxul comfortboards, then have my contractor frame the walls, (no insulation in between the frame sections) then just drywall and a primer that will act as the vapor barrier. This doesn’t seem to be advised at all here, is this proposed idea acceptable to avoid moisture and mold issues? Or should I use rigid foam against the concrete, then have the frame built, then either add roxul insulation or left empty, then drywall with primer and paint?

I’m in NY so I think R15 is more then enough for the finished space. Please help! – Appreciate it!

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