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Insulating and air sealing cripple wall in San jose

AlexD2022 | Posted in General Questions on

I’m turning my basement into a usable general purpose area and have been following what’s suggested here: 1″ faced EPS with taped seams on the floor and 2″ faced EPS sprayfoamed onto the walls, however as I get to my cripple wall I’m not entirely certain what I should be doing.

I was thinking of carrying the rigid foam to right below the sill plate in order to keep an eye out for damage from termites and then in the cripple wall putting in mineral wool and then cover it with something like intelli plus. This would let me get away with only having to cover 2/3rds of the wall with drywall and give me the opportunity to inspect for termites. I would most likely spray foam rigid insulation into the rim joist area to complete the air sealing.

Is this a solid plan or am over complicating this?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo | | #1

    Hi Alex.

    I'm having a difficult time visualizing your plan. Can you post a simple section drawing that includes the layers outside of the cripple wall?

    Until we get some more information, a couple of things to consider: how are you going to air seal the cripple wall? And, you don't need the vapor retarder behind the EPS. The EPS should give you all of the vapor control you need, if you need any in San Jose.

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