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Insulating an old Barnhouse

Ruchb | Posted in General Questions on

Try to keep this short. Located in Southern Ontario Climate zone 5b
Have a 1940’s Barn/Home in my backyard and am looking at replacing Vinyl, Since I’m stripping it down was looking at options to add insulation on the exterior. To my understanding code requires a VB On the inside and drying to the outside. Looking at the options I was thinking

Drywall > VB > R14 > Plywood >Tyvek > (EPS/GPS(Foil face perforated)/Rockwool Comfortbatt 80) > Siding.

I Would like to use EPS/GPS but, to my research EPS/GPS have perm ratings of roughly 5 and 2.7 respectively where Rockwool is 30.
Would any of these options suffice or is my understanding of permanence and drying potential incorrect. Any advice/Suggestions is appreciated.

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