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Insulating a stepped concrete wall

canada_deck | Posted in General Questions on

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  1. canada_deck | | #1

    Picture of the wall in question:

  2. Malcolm_Taylor | | #2


    Assuming the framing is 2"x6", the wood walls are (minus drywall) the same as all the other exterior ones in the house, so I'm not sure it's worth monkeying with them. The low hanging fruit is the exposed concrete.

    The stem-walls below are best insulated with rigid foam board glued to the concrete. Depending on what services are going to remain in the crawlspace, that foam may or may not need to either have a protective covering or have an approved fire rating. See BCBC &

    1. canada_deck | | #3

      Thanks Malcom,
      Re the firecode, it looks like that won't be an issue if I am interpreting this correctly:

      Re the foam: That does sound like a fairly good approach. I am concerned about my ability to achieve an airtight seal against the concrete wall since it is poured so rough. See attached picture.

      1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #4


        If the furnace goes, I think you are fine for exposed foam.

        You could bring down the high points with a grinder, but with a bead of foam friendly adhesive around the perimeter of each piece, I don't think air-tightness will be much of an issue.

        1. canada_deck | | #5

          Hmm interesting. The furnace is going but is being replaced with a central ducted heat pump unit so it may count as a service room. Drywall would be a lot of work...

          1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #6


            Talk to your BI and see where they stand. Thermax foam does not need any protection.

            The problem with insulating the concrete with permeable insulation, like rockwool, is that the warm interior air can make its way through it and condense on the inside of the stem-walls.

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