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Insulated Garage- stepped foundation wall – stretch code

SWhite | Posted in Expert Exchange Q&A on

I am working on a garage in a stretch-code town that has a stepped foundation wall on the sides and back of the garage as the grade slopes up about 3+ feet above the slab.  To reach R-30 where there is concrete I was planning to use the Zip Sheathing with insulation as well as a 2×4 wall on the interior filled with insulation.  On the second floor (an accessory apartment), I am hoping to maximize space fill 2×6 walls with closed-cell foam, and switch to the Zip sheathing without insulation.   Is it okay to switch between the Zip insulated sheathing and the regular Zip sheathing? (FYI- the framing above the concrete will also be a 2×6 wall)  Is there a better way with more continuity without sacrificing square footage?
Thanks for your thoughts.

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    In most cases it should be fine to mix Zip with Zip-R. In other cases, structural engineers prefer to keep the framing plane continuous. But if you're not in a seismically active zone or a very high-wind zone, you should be fine.

    Insulating between studs with closed cell foam is generally a waste of resources, though. For performance, health and environmental reasons, I would continue the Zip-R over the entire wall and use a benign insulation such as cellulose or wood fiber in the wall cavities.

  2. SWhite | | #2

    Thank you!

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