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Initial attic insulation–foam board or mineral wool?

dustindawind | Posted in General Questions on

I have 0 insulation in my attic. It’s going to be a couple months before MassSave can come out and insulate (due to a few barriers that need to be addressed before installation). In the meantime, I want to add some insulation to keep my extremely high costs down.

I can access some low cost reuse XPS or discounted mineral wool.  Thinking about putting down between R10-20 (as much as I can get my hands on inexpensively). Am I creating a “drying” problem in my ceiling if I use XPS on the attic floor? I understand that there’s a humidity stack effect, and want to be sure that I’m not cooking up a recipe for disaster in the future if I add XPS panels before MassSave lays down another several inches of cellulose.

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  1. acrobaticnurse_Eli | | #1

    I would either airseal the attic floor before putting anything down or put down insulation you're ok pulling back up when ready to air seal. Having the attic floor clear now is prime time for sealing it vs having to move everything around.

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