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In search of Window Section Detail (see description)

alexdorf | Posted in Plans Review on

We’re planning on installing recessed nail on windows for a new construction project. 
An interior block/box insert will be recessed into the center of the jamb to which we will flash and nail onto. 

Does anyone have a window section detail for this. Our planner is being a stickler about this. 

Thank you,


  1. sidekickarchitects | | #1

    Hi. It sounds like you are asking about a hybrid nail-fin/block-frame installation, yes? If so Matt Risinger has a good video on this here:
    and this is a good JLC article with a plan detail:
    These are helpful too:

  2. alexdorf | | #2

    Thanks for the reply. This is exactly the detail we're doing.

    My issue now is that the City Planner is asking me for a section drawing of this - which we don't have. Trying to see if someone out there has one we could use.

    1. sidekickarchitects | | #3

      Hi Alex-
      As luck would have it, while looking into something else today I believe I stumbled upon some window details that might work for you. Take a look at Details #10-15 at the following link. The first three are for flanged window installations and the last three are for flangeless (AKA block-frame) window installations:

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