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I’m looking for an energy-efficient heat pump

GBA Editor | Posted in Mechanicals on


I’m replacing a heat pump for a 22nd floor apartment and instead of buying the cheapest units possible, I want the most energy efficient unit possible.

We’re Jersey City, NJ where electrically driven heating cost is by far the bigger cost factor $600/month in winter vs $150/month in Summer. Building is a 10-year old high rise condo. No central air or gas. It’s a north-facing apartment.

I found a number or articles stating I should get the right-size units with the highest HSPF ratings.
This community looks like they’re tuned into the latest developments so I was curious if there’s anything else I should consider or maybe new developments I look into?

If I had my way the apartment building would be augmenting with solar (we still might once we look into state loans etc.)

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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