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ICF vs tradition framing.. cost comparison.

MikefromtheMountainsofUtah | Posted in General Questions on

We’re having an addition drafted up.  Some research has led to ICF costing about $220 per 4×8 of exterior wall. 

I’m just not sure it’s worth it.

Traditional built, 
5 2×6 studs – $34
7/16 zip – $30
3″ of polyiso between the studs = $30 (a local factory always has seconds)
 = $94.
 I could add a lot of additional insulation inside/out for the difference… 

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  1. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #1

    ICF is going to add additional costs at every stage of construction and throughout the life of the building.

    When the plumber needs to make a hole for an outside faucet. When you want to install a doorbell or even a house number.

  2. Expert Member
    PETER Engle | | #2

    I agree. ICF can almost be justified for foundations, as it gives your concrete walls insulation as a part of the job. Still, the added labor cost of stacking ICF versus a skilled concrete crew setting forms makes the ICF tough to justify. Above grade, I wouldn't consider it except possibly in very high wind areas.

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