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I wish to insulate the external walls of a Victorian house

mathewscm | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

The current hardboard siding is due for replacement and I’m considering fiber cement. What’s my best, most cost effective insulation option to achieve R-6?

I’m concerned that relying on an external insulation of 1-1.5 inches will compromise/ strain the cladding.


  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    You forgot to include two important pieces of information:

    1. Where are you located? (Which is to say, What is your climate zone?)

    2. Are the existing walls insulated or uninsulated?

    I'm assuming that this house is a wood-framed house with studs -- but you didn't tell us anything about the home's construction, so that assumption may be wrong.

    If the house has wood framing and the walls are uninsulated, the most cost-effective approach would be to install dense-packed cellulose between the studs.

    If it is impossible to insulate between the studs -- either because the house has a different type of wall construction, or because the stud bays are already insulated -- the least expensive way to proceed would probably be to install exterior rigid foam, although you might want to consider exterior mineral wool.

    For more information, see:

    How to Install Rigid Foam Sheathing

    Calculating the Minimum Thickness of Rigid Foam Sheathing

    Wrapping an Older House with Rock Wool Insulation

  2. mathewscm | | #2

    Thanks Martin, this is helpful. The house is in PEI, Canada. yes, it's wood frame.

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