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I wanted to make this post so people could ask about compatibility and other experienced members could maybe answer their question to help them!

AlexDomain404 | Posted in General Questions on

I wanted to make this post so people could ask about compatibility and other experienced members could maybe answer their question to help them!

I’ll start it off!

I’m attempting to install solar on a Honda Odyssey which has a 40″ width in the front and 38.5″ width in the back of the van so I can only use a combination of solar panels small enough to fit on the roof of the van.

I’m willing to use any solar panel and want to buy the Sungtsu on indiegogo (Image 1). It seems like it takes a bit higher voltage and their own solar panels have a 52V rating or something weird, but with a 45V – 80V requirement makes it a bit tougher for me to find solar panels that will be compatible and small enough to fit on my Odyssey.

I found these and would want to mount 3 in series. I realise they are sold out but I’m sure they will have them again someday.

Can I use 3 of these Newpowa’s in series and run them to the Sungtsu solar generator and not have to have any other controllers? Do you have any other suggestions for solar panels for this? Would I be better off just buying the Bluetti? I want to run solar straight to the solar generator with no in between charge controllers if possible. Thanks. Open to suggestions to make this work!


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  1. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #1

    What are you trying to do here exactly?


  2. Expert Member
    Akos | | #2

    This is a spam bot pushing some random solar cells.

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