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I live in Zone 3A of the U.S.

nich.eloc2017 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Which would be better for a house with plasterboard walls: cellulose or open-cell foam?

I have a pre-existing home. I want to insulate the wall cavities. I would like to know which would be better, cellulose or open-cell foam, in the 3A area of the US?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    The installation of open-cell spray foam usually requires full access to the stud bays -- in other words, the drywall (plasterboard) needs to be removed so you can see what you are doing. If you don't intend to remove the drywall, the usual way to insulate empty stud bays is with dense-packed cellulose.

    Call up a few insulation contractors, and you should be able to locate one familiar with this insulation technique.

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