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I have moisture on the inside windows of my house. What’s the problem?

GBA Editor | Posted in General Questions on

Mold in my bathroom as well.

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  1. Michael Chandler | | #1

    Sounds like you have excessive humidity in your home. could be a number of reasons. more information might be helpful.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    Two conditions are required for this situation: warm, humid air and a cold condensing surface.

    There are only two ways to solve it:
    1. Lower the indoor humidity level.
    2. Raise the temperature of the condensing surface.

    The easiest way to lower the indoor humidity level in winter is to increase the ventilation rate. As an experiment, leave your bathroom exhaust fan on for 24 hours and see if that affects the amount of condensation.

    The easiest way to raise the temperature of your window panes is to install storm windows.

  3. Riversong | | #3


    The problem is moisture and mold. So you have to locate the source or the moisture and correct it. Damp basements and crawlspaces are the most common sources, which could be caused by poor grading or no gutters and downspouts.

    Clothes dryers have to be vented to the outdoors, as do bath fans and range hoods (and they have to be used). Leaky houses tend to be dry in the winter (where do you live and how old is your house?), and tight houses tend to be too humid without mechanical ventilation.

    If your house is leaky and humid, then you've got a major moisture source that has to be corrected.

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