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Adapter for Wood-Burning Stove Chimney

dtikberg | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

I have a very old wood burning stove with an oval chimney outlet. Can i use an oval to round adapter and seat the oval end OVER the oval opening of the stove and then continue to install the rest of the chimney?


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    This type of connection is very common on kitchen cookstoves. You don't really need an oval-to-round adapter (although maybe such an adapter is available). What I've always done is take an ordinary round 6-inch-diameter length of stovepipe and distorted it with my arms to an oval shape (after the stovepipe seam is locked).

    In theory, you want the male (crimped) end of the stovepipe to be facing the stove, and the female (uncrimped) end facing the chimney. In practice, you can break that rule if necessary for the stove connection. Just make sure that the top of the first section of stovepipe is uncrimped.

  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett | | #2

    Not that it was asked, but...

    If this is in the US it may not be strictly legal to install a very old wood burning stove due to local air pollution concerns. Enforcement is highly variable, but some counties/cities/towns are dead serious about it, and would make you remove it if detected.

  3. Ralphie14 | | #3

    I've found that running the pipe this way will allow the creosote to run on the outside of the pipe making a mess on top of your stove and on the floor. I would advise against it.

    1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #4


      Surely if you have creosote building up in the pipe directly above the wood-stove in sufficient amounts that it runs down onto the stove top, something else beyond just the shape of the chimney pipe is going badly wrong?

      1. nynick | | #5

        Malcolm is spot on. Creosote running down ANY pipe in sufficient amount to even be noticed is an indicator of improper burning methods and lumber that hasn't been dried properly.
        Burn dry wood and clean your chimney and its parts annually.

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