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I have a slab-on-grade ’70s house (kit).

GBA Editor | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I would like to insulate the exterior with 2″ foam and stucco. Where do I put my housewrap? Over the existing R-B&B or the 2″ foam insulation? I don’t want to remove the R-B&B exterior siding; it is not made of wood. I think it is Celotec. I would rather go green and use straw bales if I could.


  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    By "R-B&B" I assume you mean "reverse board and batten."
    I'm confused by your statement: "I don't want to remove the R-B&B exterior siding; it is not made of wood. I think it is Celotec."
    Celotex is an obsolete brand of fiberboard sheathing. Do you mean that your siding is made of fiberboard, or your sheathing (under the siding) is made of fiberboard?
    I'll try to answer what I can:
    1. Don't use straw bales as a retrofit siding.
    2. There are several ways to integrate housewrap with exterior foam insulation. To read about some of them, you might want to check out "'Innie' Windows or 'Outie' Windows?"

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