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I am building an EPA Energy Star home, and I believe I need to install EPA Energy Star certified windows

JoeUSAF | Posted in General Questions on

I would like to install triple glazed fiberglass insulated casement windows. I also need to install four triple glazed fiberglass sliders/patio doors for a lake view and deck access. I would like to go with Accurate Dorwin of Winnipeg, Canada, but only their windows are EPA Energy Star certified, not their sliders. Please provide a list of manufacturers including Canadian, who manufacture EPA Energy Star certified triple glazed fiberglass insulated sliders/patio doors? Thank You!! JOE [email protected]

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    It appears to me that Energy Star qualified windows need, at a minimum, to have been rated by the NFRC. While NFRC labeling is common for windows manufactured in the U.S., some Canadian and most European window manufacturers don't bother to have their windows tested according to NFRC requirements.

    Energy Star window requirements vary by climate zone. There is an Energy Star website that allows you to locate window manufacturers that produce windows that are Energy Star qualified:

  2. JoeUSAF | | #2


    Thank you very much for your highly knowledgeable comments and EPA Energy Star window reference.


  3. mrgregpittman | | #3

    We recently got our house remodeled and got Champion Window to install casement windows and patio doors in our house. All their windows are Energy Star and NFRC certified. There are other good window manufacturers too like Pella and Anderson, so you can contact all of them and see which one best suits your requirements.

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