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HVAC / Thermostat / Temperature

rcc421 | Posted in General Questions on

We live in the piedmont area of NC. We have a 2016 built green home. Our HVAC is a LG mini split and of course, we have a ERV . We currently have the thermostat set at around 64; however, the temperature can get up to 70ish. This makes sense when the sun warms up the house later in the day; however, it can get up to 70 around 5am! If I set the thermostat around 70, it can get up to mid 70s. I guess what I am saying is that it seems impossible to regulate. Any suggestions as to what is going on?

Thank you.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    A lot of people report the problem you describe. Sometimes, it's a symptom that occurs when a ductless minisplit head is installed too close to the ceiling. Other times, it's just a glitch of the unit design.

    Fixing it often involves buying a wall-mounted thermostat compatible with the unit -- and that's expensive. The low cost solution is just to set your thermostat lower. If you are now setting the thermostat to 64 degrees, try 60 degrees.

  2. gusfhb | | #2

    Try different control setups. Minisplits allow more room temperature variation than regular HVAC. Try setting the fan to a lower speed and or changing the direction of the vanes and see how it works out. I have found I have to get each unit set to what I want from them to be happy with room temperature

  3. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett | | #3

    LG makes wired thermostats for their mini-splits, some for ~$100. Some are dedicated for mini-duct or ceiling cassettes. With the model number of your wall coil unit you can see which (if any) would be compatible.

  4. rcc421 | | #4

    Thank you all for your replies. We are ducted. We have a wall mounted thermostat. The fan is on low. I think Keith may be correct in the temperature variations.

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