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How to insulate open ceiling in detached garage

PLIERS | Posted in General Questions on

Planning on insulating a detached garage to use as my gym/workshop. Garage is about 20×24. The walls are pretty straightforward batts with drywall. My concern in the ceiling. I don’t think I want to create an attic space. I feel like I would never go up there and anything I store would be never seen again. I like the idea of having the ceiling open and I could maybe lay a 4×8 sheet and store items in a small area. I just don’t want to close in the entire space. There is no venting in the ceiling from my understanding. Could I use foam board in the rafters? Would it need to be covered? Is there any foam board that would look good uncovered? I feel like pink board would just stick out. Maybe a silver or white wouldn’t stand out. Does anyone have their garage like this, how does it look?

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    If you aren't going to have an attic, you are building a cathedral ceiling. This article describes five common ones that we know work:

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